Wishing you all peace, health and love; may you find closeness and joy in the seasonal changes.
There are so many distractions in the world today as well as so many worthy pursuits, right?Holidays, travel, visitors, media and consumerism all can distract our attention.
Stay strong and hold your sacred practice time, it is the most unselfish thing you can do!
In times of illness, injury, grief or crisis, shift your focus to less asana more pranayama or meditation. Do not deprive yourself of your daily practice.
Remember to keep your practice pure.
When practice is pure it is never a burden, it brings joy, at the very least some peace.
What is purity of practice? It is practice without attachment to success or failure, pure dedication to move, raise energy, and grow. It is pure effort, pure concentration, and pure discipline.Seeking earnestly to find balance of effort to match were you are at on any giving day. Balance of the energy to what is at any given moment.
Yoga is for flexibility of mind, emotion and body.
Travel outside your comfort zone often, whether that means slowing down, stepping it up or reaching out.
Expanding your practice, energetically, mentally, physically, emotionally, spiritually or socially.
If you are grieving loss of a loved one, maybe a few vigorous poses to work through the anger that is one phase of grief, or some gentle and comforting asanas to nurture yourself. Reaching out to others when the pull to isolate is strong. Allow yourself to feel the grief.
Be with others who comfort you. If you're comforting a friend, sit and listen and give them space to cry, simply holding their hand and appreciating them and their process.