Walking and Earthing
Why not be nice to your feet, massage and soak them, exercise them, and stretch them more?! Treat yourself to go barefoot more. They are your foundation so give them loving attention! Show them your grateful for all they do.
My favorite quote about feet ~
-“The sole (or plantar surface) of the foot is richly covered with some 1,300 nerve endings per square inch. That’s more than found on any other part of the body… of comparable size. Why are so many nerve endings concentrated there? To keep us ‘in touch’ with the Earth; the real physical world around us. It’s called ‘sensory response.’ The foot is the vital link between the person and the Earth. The paws of all animals are equally rich in nerve endings. The Earth is covered with an electromagnetic layer. It’s this that creates the sensory response in our feet and the paws of animals. Try walking barefoot on the ground for a couple of minutes. Every living thing, including human beings, draws energy from this field through its feet, paws, or roots.“~ Dr. William Rossi~
Walking is underrated! wrote this blog years back, now here I am I’m writing more (Random) thoughts about feet and walking.
Pada Bandha – A lesser bandha, but for shoe wearers it is as important as the other 3 main bandhas: mula, jalandhara, and uddiyanna.
In Sanskrit “pada” means “foot”, and bandha means “lock” or “harness”. Bandhas are used to draw the energy upward. Pada bandha is a yoga technique in which the soles of the feet are placed on the ground, so the weight is evenly distributed in the triangle formed by the big toe, little toe and heel center under the ankle. The arches of the foot actively lifted. This bandha connects the yogi’s body with the earth. Pada Bandha supports the lift of the arches and the optimal alignment of the joints in the legs and the pelvis.
Agni – The element, Fire; In Ayurveda this element relates to digestion (organ) Eyes (sense organ) and the action associated with fire is WALKING!
Walking is one of the primary motions for the human body (before cars buses etc.) Fire is balanced by a good diet, and proper movement, as well as enough rest. Walking is always proper movement when persons are able.
Too much fire can make one quick to anger, have too fast metabolism, be quick to go into action, sometimes without enough forethought!
So, walking can balance us humans in more than just awesome physical ways, when done regularly walking making us calmer, less stressed and more mindful. Water is also balancing of Agni, soaking feet after long day of being on the feet or standing for hours is a great habit.
If everyone in Albuquerque, (where I live), or any urban city, began parking 4-8 blocks from their destination or getting off the bus 4-5 blocks early and walked …
People would see their neighbors and community more; Neighborhoods would be safer!
People would get fresh air and see trees birds, mountains, and plants; focusing the eyes on various distances which is super good for the eyes! It also combats eye strain from computers, phones, dashboards, and televisions.
Walking is an extremely beneficial exercise! gently lubricates all the joints, increases blood circulation, and is weight bearing for strong bones.
Just 30 minutes of walking a day increases metabolism and energy.
Much less fossil fuel would be used, better for earth!
A new favorite word, From Rational Wiki; Earthing
Earthling s an alternative medicine therapy where individuals “connect” with the Earth‘s negative surface charge. Apparently this is supposed to help you “balance” your internal circuitry and restore a lost electrical charge.[1] On the Earthing Institute’s website they claim Earthing can help improve blood flow, reduce inflammation, reduce pain, and allow for deeper sleep. To establish a connection to the ground it is suggested one can simply walk around barefoot. From Rational Wiki;
The other day I walked with a friend to a farm nearby, we put our feet into the freshly tilled soil.
Several sand-hill cranes were following a safe distance behind a tractor tilling the field, the cranes enjoyed the fresh soil, and maybe worms and seeds. We enjoyed watching these beautiful creatures, walk, fly and forage.
We decided to put our feet on that soil. It was cool, moist and smelled wonderful. We relaxed in the moment our bare feet on the earth…
it was wonderful, it was medicine. we felt it, we were energized and more connected to each-other to the birds the earth and the nice day.
Peace, Christina